betaseries SCREENERS


Test your series on our audiences. Define its audience target, build its marketing sales pitch, identify preferred commissioners. Evaluate titles to buy or promotional assets.

You are:

  • A distributor launching a TV series in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
  • A commissioner evaluating titles to buy (buying teams or research dpt) or optimizing the promotional material to use (media teams or agency)
  • A producer testing an episode zero before release on its commissioner’s audience base

New: Test your series in development

We now offer the possibility of testing your series right from the development phase. Evaluate the potential of your concepts using a trailer, which you can supply or which we can create from your pitch using artificial intelligence tools. This is an excellent way to complement your BetaSeries Forecast study with a "field" test in addition to the analysis based on comparables.

Our methodology on our closed panels solution (full episodes or trailers testing )

  • Securized screener (watermarked with potential signed NDAs) on a 100-200 closed panel recruited upon client's brief
  • Viewing sessions feedback enriched with a marketing survey
  • Reporting & recommendation based on satisfaction feedback, viewing data and panelists' profiles and answers.
  • Deliverables : prioritary audience and buyers targets, affinitary series, USPs, points of attention incl. verbatims, specific questions
  • PDF reporting with stats & verbatims & analysis and recommendations
  • Fast delivery: Brief, panel, reporting executed in less than 10 working days

Our methodology on our polls solution (trailers testing on

  • Test on trailers of series evaluated for purchase decision or promotional material optimization (treatment, music, length...)
  • Trailers upload on home page enriched with one multichoice poll
  • Reporting & recommendation based on satisfaction feedback and panelists' profiles
  • Deliverables : main target audiences incl. per age, genre, platform, affinitary series and genres, loyalty profile of the target
  • PDF reporting with stats & analysis and recommendations
  • Fast delivery: Brief, survey, report completed in less than 5 working days
  • Pricing: Starting at 1,000 €

Interested in finding out more?